Creating the Lyle's Flapjack

Lyles flapjack multipack
The challenge

Lyle’s Gold­en Syrup is a cher­ished British store cup­board essen­tial. How­ev­er, the brand need­ed to find ways to grow through expand­ing its prod­uct port­fo­lio and its appeal to new gen­er­a­tions – all while stay­ing true to its rich brand her­itage. Lyle’s had a bold and open-mind­ed atti­tude to cross-cat­e­go­ry inno­va­tion but lacked insight into where it could best offer an excit­ing yet brand-authen­tic propo­si­tion to con­sumers. They need­ed a reli­able and cre­ative long-term part­ner to sup­port them on their inno­va­tion jour­ney, all the way from zero to launch.

Key successes
  • Brought the Lyle’s Golden Syrup Flapjack to market, achieving listings in Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Ocado.
  • Spoke to 2251 consumers on our research journey with MMR.
  • Developed 60 new product ideas.
  • Created the packaging design with our colleagues at Together.
  • Created a story-based sell-in deck for sales teams to use with retailers.
To flapjacks and beyond

We ideated, copywrote and illustrated a wealth of new product ideas – stretching the opportunity for Lyle’s. When screening the ideas, the flapjack emerged as the leading concept with great scores. The Lyle’s flapjack is just the beginning, we’ve set out an innovation roadmap of other winning NPD ideas which we’re developing with the Lyle’s team today.

Opening the door to the biggest supermarkets

Our brand con­sul­tants took the insight we gen­er­at­ed, com­bined it with com­mer­cial and oth­er infor­ma­tion from Lyle’s and cre­at­ed a sto­ry-based sell-in deck for the sales teams to use with retail­ers. This key strate­gic tool opened the door for the Lyle’s flap­jack to the biggest UK supermarkets.

Flapjack instagram
  • 01
    Understanding golden syrup usage and initial opportunity spaces: Qualitative online research community Quantitative online research survey conducted by MMR
  • 02
    Brainstorm session to define opportunity spaces and set innovation roadmap Development of concepts Screening concepts with our colleagues at MMR
  • 03
    Consumer recipe testing and product validation with our colleagues at MMR Development of 3 design routes with our colleagues at Together
  • 04
    A story-based sell in deck for sales teams to use with retailers